Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Easy Jet
Watched people on box , Americans. One, had eighteen private jets, amongst other things, including a wife and children, whom he had to rush to get to (They all took this stance) how far is it from the truth ? A very long way..(they also had to “relax!!! ) One man, a football player, had a five million pound jet.. also to rush to his “wife and children” !!!
Difficult not to look very closely at these creatures, my conclusions are quite obvious.
I remain, sanguine, alone, “relaxed”. I never rush to my wife, because she is always here and whatever I wished too do , I would not need my own jet… The local brothel is just up the road, a cab ride… if I were that way inclined, a fraction of a fraction of the price of a getaway jet to no where, I would not have to hide my penchant from her, she would indeed come and sort the lady for me.. .haggling the price, no doubt… A paragon ??
Clearly these people are inundated with money and have no other way of expressing themselves , simply flaunt that which they have, as the majority of haves, do, mixed with a large amount of vulgarity and greater amounts of sex, spending endless time and endless money, seriously attempting to hide this other side to their existence. I once knew a man who’s whole life was taken up by the charade of hiding his so called “mistress” from his wife. ..So long as it makes him happy… He thought himself so very clever at all the endless tricks he played. Another idiot. The stress helped bring on the cancer which killed him.
Difficult to see also “where they are” what happens when they “momentarily” dare stop, think, they do have that capability…. Interesting.
“Cannery Row” “Clean Slate” “Wages of fear” creep into my head.
Interesting also for me, is at least these people (or some of them) shared my conclusion about closing aircraft, vehicle doors, how they liked the delicate , soft, click, as a Rolls Royce.. about the only thing I could ever see my having in common with these creatures, likewise, I am just another maggot to them.
I have a jet which I usually share with about two hundred other people.. is there so much difference ? I do not have to fly it, accept any responsibility for it, my forte, which has left me precisely where I now am.
Those people who do hear of my antecedents, always screw up their faces when wives , children and grandchildren, are mentioned, mine, whom mostly I have never seen, other than during the initial crescendo.. “How could you walk away?! So many!!“ they screech. “Easy” is always my reply. Invariably they walk away….. “disgust” written on their mean, screwed up faces, reflecting their mean, screwed up minds. Never, ever, considering/asking my position, my point of view, as always , as ever, as I have always been, a non-starter.
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Just a thought
Glorious morning . Eroica / Chopin.1/2/
Cyn to “ six churches” I ? I remain sanguine, almost.
Simply wait, sit, no longer fornicate.
After my full stop at the hospital, I remain also at the complete dead end. Time hangs on my head and somewhere between the middle of my body, this slight question mark, this slight tugging tension , even a vague apprehension, then, looking at the other 99% of the population of this Planet, where precisely are they ??
I no longer have any hopes , aspirations, no inclination to rush anywhere, to see anyone, maybe I am fortunate, more than I know or realize. Perhaps, only perhaps, I should do as so many other people do , find some purpose, achievement, something to strive for , or more prosaically, some woman to impress, to run too, hoping deep between her legs there will be the answer. Very few men see so brusquely, so devastatingly, the hidden truth . Over the years I have covered all the ground on this, “the” subject of life, which leaves my self and a few others doubtlessly, simply, as said, “waiting” fully refusing to make some final gesture to existence, in any direction whatsoever, only living for our own ideas but where the other factor savagely trips in “money”, I am still subservient . So very many people who have so much do not “see” their immunity from what for most is the daily drudgery. The rich, those with the full freedom of money, their lives a endless rush to nowhere…. They live to impress, to make some mark on the hard surface of reality, which culminates into just another crumbling edifice, a few ideas remain, mostly with the art/music/writing syndrome. No, I have always side stepped, much to the disgust and indignation of other people, especially the hard female faces, refusing to adhere to “their” conventions, to accept them. A sense of obligation or duty has never been any consideration of mine…only in so far as money itself “demands” In the past I have been quite so gullible as the next man in parting with whatever I possessed to the altar of sex, never going quite so far as nailing myself down, a achievement in itself. The majority of males only realize the implications for their selves when it is far too late, they having been deliberately kept far too busy.
( Odd, peaceful morning and afternoon !) blogged.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008………17:24….. Long day, dress rehearsal for Doctor which was OK but I very tired and spent day in bed.
Quite some straightening out remains in the short time available, all this because I do not have money to continue.
Thought crept into my head, starting with Stef in bed yesterday morning, how languid I felt. I then linked that to my computer game , re “hallucinations” Have I finally stumbled upon the answer to women? That they can develop into a deep hallucination for men in the initial stages, a blindness, a false euphoria, a delusion, a delirium, a fantasy, all wrapped loosely under the cover of “love”?? The reality striking hard when the “damage” insidiously creeping into the situation becomes complete.. i.e. when the female specie achieves her programmed destination and conceives. Then all hell breaks loose, disguised, calmed by society’s conventions the accepted socially and politically correct procedure, something to be “proud and totally committed to” Hell interpreted as heaven… !
“ You have had your four minutes fun, now pay for the rest of your life in every possible, every unimagined, painful way.”
The record holder for taking her clothes off and plunging endlessly, without the slightest hesitation, into this plethora of creation was Alexandria..12 seconds.
Finally, have given Stef a nudge as she could not get out of bed to see me in my last few hours relatively.. let it be known to her I have already left for UK.
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
The working class can kiss my arse!
'The white working class feels alienated, threatened and voiceless,' says BBC boss
By PAUL REVOIR - Last updated at 23:16pm on 25th February 2008....daily mail
This man is for the chop . Hardly feel this signifies a change in the general tense, anxious, seething perhaps, in the not now quite politically correct atmosphere. Those lumbering, over fed, corrupt, over paid, lecherous, devious creeps in Whitehall and Brussels will not allow their pandering to the Black Vote, their power, to be questioned by some upstart from the BBC , or anyone, anyone at all, regardless. Without the slightest doubt, the first voice dare raised since Blair took over all things. Blair, the sole arbiter of right and wrong , voices in his head telling him this was his mission. He may have better results in Rwanda.
Stefania 2
Stef appeared last night , quite cool and unperturbed about all my comments made to her by text, as if nothing had been said or words exchanged. She then went into a very heavy sex routine resulting my having to gag and tie her up…. the noise, her moans and the struggling convulsions her body was going through. All this agony and ecstasy in the name of blunted conception.
About two hours of this and all went calm, she then decided she wished to “talk”, something she rarely does, that she wanted a “small thing” from me , which did not cost much, before I went to the UK, however , she, not talking in the accepted way, but in the 21st century way of texting me on the phone, regardless of my being next to her.
I remained sanguine , waiting for whatever weird notion was in her mind.
“ I would like to dance the Blues with you !” ….Her message.
Momentarily I, completely taken back, it being 2.a.m. and the only blues I could remember were “The blues of the Night” sung by Bing Crosby in the year dot. This I started to sing to the best of my ability and to her acute embarrassment.
She, a very sad, touching, innocent person, innocence being a extremely rare quality, another factor in the 21st century, regardless of her being a being a “business woman” in it’s most significant sense. This side of her life completely different to which she presents to me , or should I say, tries to the best of her ability.
It is now 10.a.m. she had asked me to wake her at 9, as she had a “appointment” she sleeps on. Whomever wants her, will obviously have to wait, a nervous anxiousness prevailing no doubt on his part.
The Sun shines, I drift into another day, a certain peace, a sanity, hangs briefly over my particular spot in Bucuresti . Time ebbs it’s way towards Friday when this segment of my existence is swept away, confronted with the orderly chaos of Gatwick.
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Kosovo again...
There will be a price paid by the West for the bombing of Belgrade and this
new incursion of the Balkans by big business.. in the name of ..Democracy ?? hardly a pleasant word, one synonymous with Enron.
Russia, a large continent adjacent to this situation, is also on the unmentionable list. For myself it will be interesting to see precisely what move this Country will make, anyone who feels that Russia will remain isolated, impervious to what is happening on her Western Front ……
1066 and all that

By JAMES SLACK -Last updated at 21:57pm on 22nd February 2008
A judge listening to graphic details of an immigration centre riot yesterday warned that Britain had lost control of its borders "for the first time since 1066".
Christopher Elwen gave the dramatic assessment after four foreign nationals were cleared of masterminding the "rampage" at Harmondsworth removal centre.
Two of the men were jailed for the millions of pounds worth of damage caused during the huge disturbance, which left large parts of the 555-bed West London centre wrecked.
Southwark Crown Court in London heard that the mayhem - sparked by complaints about human rights and detainees not having Sky TV - engulfed all four wings.
Staff feared for their lives as many detainees armed themselves with makeshift weapons, damaged walls, destroyed security cameras, smashed windows, shattered furniture and started fires at the privately-run facility.
Saturday, 16 February 2008
Julian Borger in Pristina The Guardian,
The eve of World War lll .
History always repeats itself, humanity never learns. The Christian Orthodox Church is not mentioned here or elsewhere, neither the politically unmentionable words "Muslim and breeding" synonymous.
Whoever controls you and the "media" are quite certainly interested in War and the profits, at any price. Best to stick to the "Sport" no unpleasantness, no thoughts other you know what, but again cannot mention, as the "Thought Police" itself or your wives/ husbands may go after you for money, which is the name of the game. Not unreasonable to say that everyone in "England " is fucked in whichever direction they may turn.
There is also a reluctance to mention a certain Mr Putin who once asked one of his generals..(Lebed) how long to Bucuresti ? and he did not mean by bus.. "Six hours" being the answer. Think about it.
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
...and reply

Letter from America

Ps : i still did not give up hope that i will own that Andrada painting one day ... i have the belief that i deserve it , since it is inspired by me !
Yasmin Ali Baba Brown and her Mum
Yasmin Ali Baba Brown and her Mum
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Real freedom is being able to do as you please
"""My mum read Woman and Woman's Own magazines.""
You are still on about "My Mum" so apparently disarming to the remnants of the indigenous English ... that you are so very much, one of them . Which is your real job, that your way (Islam's) is the way forward and you are quite human "actually" (I can also use outdated words and the most inane cliches)Today another victory for you and your masters.All Muslim men with harems can claim state benefit (legally) for all their wives including their multitudinous progeny from now.Madam, you are winning, without the slightest doubt in my mind. I can hear the shrill clarion call from the minarets in Hackney Wick
Reply to Yasmin Ali Baba Brown
your 28th of January article in the Independent
We have not crossed swords for a long time, you apparently have been dormant in the tabloids, but in no way having changed your stringent protests at us, the "English" "why don't we love you etc ?" Idi Amin is your obvious answer. He did not want you, neither do we. But, we had you “thrust upon us”, the consequences of that you live with...We are swamped with alien cultures, only you are blind to this. "England"… the top half belongs to Brown, so it’s not possible to speak of "Britain", England is not "dynamic", derisory is “the” word for it, only remnants of the white Protestant English remain, the levers of Brown/Blair quite deliberately having brought this about.
Perhaps your son, to show our inherent kindness to aliens, would be satisfied with being King of “England”? I do emphasise England.
Why should we not wish for England to belong to the English ?
I could hardly go to Uganda and demand as my “right”´ free housing/food for my harem and plethora of children, without the obligation and tediousness of “working”, assuming I were that way inclined.
So called “racial intolerance” is now on the very fast track in this country and Europe, no way can the lid be put back on it, as Blair, his thousand edicts and iron fist demanded. England is heading for a catastrophic depression which leaves the situation wide open for another Hitler. There is no member of the “English” parliament willing to stand up and say this... All of them know it, think it, dread it, they are too concerned about their index related, gold plated pensions, their back handers, their “expenses” and their sordid, seedy, private lives, no time or the slightest inclination, desire, to put their heads above the parapet. Sarkozy, the latest one to show his credentials, he in total disparaging ignorance of “What is happening ?”, too intent trying to get some has been’s knickers off, which has about become the norm for politicians, or being caught with their fingers in the till.
The German elections today, totally unmentioned in the press, due to its sensitive nature, re the upsurge of the far right… and “Kosovo” the hottest political potato since the Americans bombed Yugoslavia, (what do they know/care about The Christian Orthodox Church?) by removing Milosevic for his beliefs and Saddam Hussein for his oil, they have plunged this Planet into a deeper abyss of destruction, regardless of still living with the Korea and Vietnam debacle. All these factors accumulate in people’ heads. Those in the Citadels of Power feel we, the masses, have no heads, simply creatures to be watched each passing second of time by cameras placed in every crack of society; we are, in the terms of the rich and powerful, “maggots”, as Ceausescu’ s wife so delicately put it. She paid the price.
The driving factor of immigration is greed by those in power and big business, they want/demand “cheap labour”, they wish all workers wages to come down to the level of those in the Balkans, about 250€ a month for 40 hrs… No way. There will be a revolution when people stop watching Coronation Street and football and click “en masse” at the upsurge in prices and the downward spiral of wages due to the likes of yourself, the Africans, the Poles, you name them. You are not a fool, you know all this but insist on making excuses for yourself… “My son was born here”, another excuse. I did not want him... he is not mine, but this, another plank in the “demands” of those who come here relentlessly, by any means other than the legal ones .
There is no illegality in coming to this country now; anyone, anyone at all is “welcome”, so long as they work, breed indiscriminately. Unfortunately, a large percentage turn to crime, as the Romanian gypsies... who are having a field day outside Harrods and along Edgeware Road, besides those trafficking their own women and children deep into this country for a variety of reasons. Mostly to invigorate the prostitution arena and keep it “cheap” as with every other aspect of industry, especially the flood of an unknown numbers of Polish people, who have decimated the price of labour in the building sector, by accepting any wages, any working conditions, making large numbers of the English unemployed. The Trade Unions, as such, are impotent at this situation, much to the delight and popping of champagne corks in the boardrooms. The tentacles of mass immigration have reached even into the Police force, 20.000 resorting to marching up and down Park Lane, with a top member of the National Front amongst the leaders, a further protest at falling living standards. Unprecedented. Another “Potemkin” situation, shooting from the Thames into the House of Intrigue. First salvo, “Big Ben”. History insists on repeating itself..
Again you are puffing yourself up “Last Monday I was speaking at the Evening Standard” etc, etc. We all know what your line is “Long live Islam” (death to the infidels…). The person who called you a cunt is not on, simply not the English way, however, I would have dealt with him my way, forget the political correctness, that has gone out of the window together with the word racist, it went the moment Tyrant Blair discreetly disappeared at precisely the right moment. He, the perfectionist in deviousness, manipulation, timing and lining his own pockets.
Sloan square is not smart, rather the most densely populated area in Europe, a grubby habitat for the filthy rich who have acquired their lucre through 1000 years of Imperialism or by very dubious means, not forgetting Russian capitalists who buy up property in Belgrave square at £25.000.000 a lump and the Arabs who pay £100.000.000 for an apartment on the corner of Brompton Road and Knightsbridge, not built, but it promises bullet proof glass and a helicopter pad… You wonder why the English have the bollock ache at being bought out by aliens and people precisely as yourself, telling us what to do and how we should do it.
“Spiffing” went out with “anyone for tennis” simply showing your age, I reminded you of this when you called Jane Goody “Beastly” you do give yourself away .. she was only saying precisely what we all think and I do mean all. She had the temerity for it and has paid the price by people such as yourself and that other pratt who screamed loudly at your Human Rights infringement and for the race relations to crucify her along with the white do gooders who joined in (there are a few, they will be first for the chop, many have been mugged by the very people whom they wanted “in” (Justice !) and any one else interested in jumping on the immigration band wagon.
Boris Johnson is a half Turk, I can guess at his other half, regardless, he is a highly intelligent man. He is still not English.
Madam, I can assure you that ‘England’ will explode in your time against you and yours.
There are some extremely beautiful Muslim, Polish and African and… and… girls.. Makes no difference. They want one thing only, to take over this country by all or any means, fundamentally to have children indiscriminately by the basketful. The present government besides thinking that every immigrant is a vote for the left, is also in total disdain, contempt, at the damage this proliferation is doing to every aspect of the social structure. This rapid increase of population, the crushing of people together, a bonus for the Roman Catholic Church, who simply counts more money in the box, more souls to be saved, at the right price. Well known that Gordon Brown wishes to become a Cardinal. Blair wanted to be Pope, he has all the right qualifications. Hardly see smoke coming out of a chimney for him, however.
Such a country, such a rotten, sad rock, this Realm……. this England.