Brilliant sunny morning here in Buc.
I have had not time to digest your thesis on love, life and sex..My initial response being it was the best I have ever read. You should consider submitting (it) to a magazine. seriously.........A Book ???
Curious also about you getting a lead on Mark. For myself, I have perhaps little, no interest, as you pointed out the "Age".. too far between U and I .
You still have a life, a machine which remorselessly drives you , a hunger , a desire, a "rapture ?!" .
Re men, you are a lesbian deep down, yet you want ' More" precisely as Laura. I could tell you a lot about her .. have no time. This is the trouble with my existence. A kaleidescope of horror, women, compressed time, boredom, always that desire to get that which I want , but always never making it.
I will shut up as I feel the time pressing and it is only 9.a.m.
Yesterday I spent 17 hrs in bed with the ultimate fucking machine (well on and off ) this, another "story" .......... I also finally had Petrushka "my way" had her other ways over the years, but she went completely "berserk" and obviously I have not heard from her since , she in a corner licking her wounds, mostly psychological
Re The "Andrada." I told you long ago it was yours.
Will be in UK from 1st March.
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